Reasonableness of conclusions or judgements: the extent to which a conclusion or judgement is sound and makes sense.
Reasoned argument/conclusion: one that is sound, well-grounded, considered and thought out.
Be aware of or acknowledge.
The degree of formality or informality of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting.
Tell or report about happenings, events or circumstances.
Use words, images, symbols or signs to convey meaning.
Copy or make close imitation.
In English: When students listen to, read or view texts they interact with those texts to make meaning. Responding involves students identifying, selecting, describing, comprehending, imagining, interpreting, analysing and evaluating.
The language of argument, using persuasive and forceful language.
Language techniques used in argument to persuade audiences (for example, rhetorical questions, repetition, propositions, figurative language).
A question that is asked to provoke thought rather than require an answer.
The ‘beat’ of spoken language. In a stress-timed language such as SAE, speakers put roughly equal time lags between stressed syllables, with the timing of the unstressed syllables between them being adjusted to accommodate the stress timing.
Routine problems: Problems solved using procedures encountered in prior learning activities.