Include line, colour, shape, texture, space and form found in artworks, and incorporated in the design of performance spaces (including sets) for dance and drama.
Accepted conventions associated with organising design elements and can include unity, balance, hierarchy, scale, proportion, emphasis, similarity and contrast.
The driving force and forward motion of drama to create dramatic meaning, tension, belief and audience engagement. The movement of the drama from the introduction, exposition of ideas and conflict to a resolution.
A signified, intended purpose or effect interpreted from the communication of expressive dramatic action.
In Dance, refers to how movement is performed, and includes the weight, force, and/or energy that are applied to movement over time. For example, heavy to light weight, strong to gentle force, or fast to slow release of energy.
In Music, dynamics and expression refers to how the sound is performed, including sound qualities. For example, the relative volume and intensity of sound.