A sign used to uniquely identify a person, typically bestowed by a member of the Deaf community, and agreed upon by the individual.
A story of events or experiences, real or imagined.
Signs that are made in neutral space and do not make contact with a location on the body. These signs can easily be moved around in space.
Symbolic units of meaning that are created on the spot in a particular context, particularly in constructed action but also gesturing. These signs cannot be listed in a dictionary.
Non-manual features (NMFs) are meaningful elements of a signed message involving any part of the body other than the hands.
Changing the handshape of a sub-set of time signs to include a number, such as two-weeks-ago or in-two-years.
National Week of Deaf People; a week of cultural celebrations and festivals organised by Deaf Australia, designed to raise awareness of the Deaf community and to celebrate Deaf pride, Auslan, and the life and culture of deaf people.
New Zealand Sign Language.