Representation of General capabilities
The seven general capabilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding, and Intercultural understanding are identified where they offer opportunities to add depth and richness to student learning. Teachers will find opportunities to incorporate explicit teaching of the capabilities depending on their choice of learning activities.
Literacy in Mathematics
In the senior years these literacy skills and strategies enable students to express, interpret, and communicate complex mathematical information, ideas and processes. Mathematics provides a specific and rich context for students to develop their ability to read, write, visualise and talk about complex situations involving a range of mathematical ideas. Students can apply and further develop their literacy skills and strategies by shifting between verbal, graphic, numerical and symbolic forms of representing problems in order to formulate, understand and solve problems and communicate results. Students learn to communicate their findings in different ways, using multiple systems of representation and data displays to illustrate the relationships they have observed or constructed.
Numeracy in Mathematics
The students who undertake this subject will continue to develop their numeracy skills at a more sophisticated level than in Years F to 10. This subject contains financial applications of Mathematics that will assist students to become literate consumers of investments, loans and superannuation products. It also contains statistics topics that will equip students for the ever-increasing demands of the information age. Students will also learn about the probability of certain events occurring and will therefore be well equipped to make informed decisions about gambling.
ICT in Mathematics
In the senior years students use ICT both to develop theoretical mathematical understanding and apply mathematical knowledge to a range of problems. They use software aligned with areas of work and society with which they may be involved such as for statistical analysis, algorithm generation, data representation and manipulation, and complex calculation. They use digital tools to make connections between mathematical theory, practice and application; for example, to use data, to address problems, and to operate systems in authentic situations.
Critical and creative thinking in Mathematics
Students compare predictions with observations when evaluating a theory. They check the extent to which their theory-based predictions match observations. They assess whether, if observations and predictions don't match, it is due to a flaw in theory or method of applying the theory to make predictions – or both. They revise, or reapply their theory more skilfully, recognising the importance of self-correction in the building of useful and accurate theories and making accurate predictions.
Personal and social capability in Mathematics
In the senior years students develop personal and social competence in Mathematics through setting and monitoring personal and academic goals, taking initiative, building adaptability, communication, teamwork and decision-making.
The elements of personal and social competence relevant to Mathematics mainly include the application of mathematical skills for their decision-making, life-long learning, citizenship and self-management. In addition, students will work collaboratively in teams and independently as part of their mathematical explorations and investigations.
Ethical understanding in Mathematics
In the senior years students develop ethical behaviour in Mathematics through decision-making connected with ethical dilemmas that arise when engaged in mathematical calculation and the dissemination of results and the social responsibility associated with teamwork and attribution of input.
The areas relevant to Mathematics include issues associated with ethical decision-making as students work collaboratively in teams and independently as part of their mathematical explorations and investigations. Acknowledging errors rather than denying findings and/or evidence involves resilience and examined ethical behaviour. Students develop increasingly advanced communication, research and presentation skills to express viewpoints.
Intercultural understanding in Mathematics
Students understand Mathematics as a socially constructed body of knowledge that uses universal symbols but has its origin in many cultures. Students understand that some languages make it easier to acquire mathematical knowledge than others. Students also understand that there are many culturally diverse forms of mathematical knowledge, including diverse relationships to number and that diverse cultural spatial abilities and understandings are shaped by a person’s environment and language.