Achievement standards

Responding to oral written and multimodal texts

  • critically analyses how relationships between texts and contexts shape responses to texts
  • evaluates how effectively language and stylistic features are used together in texts to influence meanings and interpretations
  • critically analyses how effectively literary conventions, modes and mediums are integrated to achieve literary effects
  • evaluates the effectiveness of literary transformations for different contexts, purposes and audiences
  • analyses how relationships between texts and contexts shape responses to texts
  • evaluates how language and stylistic features are used together in texts to influence meanings and interpretations
  • analyses how literary conventions, modes and mediums are used together to achieve literary effects
  • analyses how and explains why literary texts are transformed for different contexts, purposes and audiences
  • explains relationships between texts and contexts
  • explains how language and stylistic features used in texts influence meanings and interpretations
  • explains how literary conventions, modes and mediums are used to achieve literary effects
  • explains how and why literary texts can be transformed for different contexts, purposes and audiences
  • describes relationships between texts and contexts
  • describes language and stylistic features used in texts
  • describes how literary conventions, modes and mediums are used to create texts
  • describes how literary texts can be transformed for different contexts, purposes and audiences
  • identifies relationships between texts or contexts
  • identifies some aspects of language or stylistic features used in texts
  • describes some aspects of literary conventions, modes and mediums used to create texts
  • identifies how literary texts can be transformed

Creating oral written and multimodal texts

  • synthesises language and stylistic features effectively for imaginative and analytical purposes
  • presents comprehensive analytical responses which are compellingly argued and substantiated by apt textual references
  • presents imaginative responses which are refined in form and style and draw on appreciation of literary texts
  • demonstrates fluent control of expression in different modes and mediums
  • combines language and stylistic features appropriately for imaginative and analytical purposes
  • presents analytical responses which are logically argued and substantiated by effective textual references
  • presents imaginative responses which are effective in form and style and draw on appreciation of literary texts
  • demonstrates effective control of expression in different modes and mediums
  • selects language and stylistic features for imaginative and analytical purposes
  • presents analytical responses comprising clear argument and relevant textual references
  • presents imaginative responses which are coherent in form and style and draw on literary texts
  • demonstrates control of expression in different modes and mediums
  • uses some language and stylistic features for imaginative and analytical purposes
  • presents analytical responses comprising some argument and textual reference
  • presents imaginative responses using some elements of form and style drawn from literary texts
  • demonstrates some control of expression in different modes and mediums
  • uses some language and stylistic features
  • presents limited analytical responses
  • presents limited imaginative responses
  • demonstrates limited control of expression in different modes and mediums