Achievement standards

Responding to oral written and multimodal texts

  • evaluates information, ideas and attitudes presented in texts, demonstrating insightful understanding
  • critically analyses how relationships between context, purpose and audience influence texts
  • evaluates the effectiveness of text structures, language features and conventions in different modes and mediums to convey personal, social and cultural perspectives
  • critically analyses relationships between language, values, culture and identity and evaluates how they influence and change understanding
  • evaluates information, ideas and attitudes presented in texts, demonstrating clear understanding
  • analyses how context, purpose and audience together influence texts
  • analyses how text structures, language features and conventions are used in different modes and mediums to convey personal, social and cultural perspectives
  • analyses connections between language, values, culture and identity and explains how they influence understanding
  • explains information, ideas and attitudes presented in texts
  • explains how context, purpose and audience influence texts
  • analyses how text structures, language features and conventions are used in different modes and mediums to convey some perspectives
  • explains connections between language, values, culture and identity
  • describes information and ideas presented in texts
  • describes how some aspects of context, purpose and audience influence texts
  • describes how some text structures, language features and conventions are used in different modes and mediums
  • identifies connections between language, values, culture and identity
  • identifies some information and ideas presented in texts
  • identifies how some aspects of context, purpose or audience influence texts
  • identifies text structures, language features or conventions used in different modes and mediums
  • identifies some aspects of language, culture and identity

Creating oral written and multimodal texts

  • sustains communication fluently, spontaneously and appropriately in oral interactions
  • selects compelling evidence and examples to justify ideas and arguments
  • structures texts that are innovative and effective for diverse contexts, purposes, audiences, modes and mediums
  • uses sophisticated language features and conventions with effective control of style, register and expression
  • sustains communication clearly and effectively in oral interactions
  • selects relevant evidence and examples to support ideas and arguments
  • structures texts that are effective for different contexts, purposes, audiences, modes and mediums
  • uses complex language features and conventions with consistent control of register and expression
  • sustains communication in a range of oral interactions
  • selects evidence and examples to support ideas and arguments
  • structures texts appropriate to different contexts, purposes, audiences, modes and mediums
  • uses language features and conventions with control of register and expression
  • communicates ideas and information in straightforward oral interactions
  • uses some evidence or examples to support ideas and arguments
  • structures texts for some contexts, purposes, audiences, modes and mediums
  • uses familiar language features and conventions with some control of expression
  • communicates ideas or information in some contexts
  • presents some ideas or points of view
  • reproduces text structures in different modes and mediums
  • uses some language features and conventions with limited control of expression