- communicates ideas and information clearly and concisely in oral interactions
- presents ideas and opinions selecting relevant evidence and examples to support a point of view
- structures texts effectively for contexts, purposes and audiences in different modes and mediums
- uses language features and conventions confidently and with sustained control of expression
- communicates ideas and information competently in oral interactions
- presents ideas and opinions selecting clear examples to support a point of view
- structures texts appropriately for contexts, purposes and audiences in different modes and mediums
- uses language features and conventions with clarity and control of expression
- communicates ideas and information in oral interactions
- presents ideas and opinions using some examples
- structures texts for familiar and some unfamiliar contexts, purposes and audiences in different modes and mediums
- uses language features and conventions with some consistency and accuracy
- communicates some ideas and information in oral interactions
- presents some ideas and opinions
- structures texts for some familiar contexts, purposes or audiences in different modes and mediums
- uses simple language features and conventions with some accuracy