Consistent with ACARA’s Student diversity advice on the Australian Curriculum website, the progressions support teachers to cater for the diversity of learners by:
- acknowledging students’ different rates of progress through the levels and across elements
- acknowledging that students at the initial levels demonstrate literacy skills in different waysacknowledging that some students communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies to demonstrate their literacy and numeracy skills
- acknowledging different starting points in students’ literacy or numeracy learning development
- supporting teachers to differentiate for students at all stages of schooling
- complementing ACARA’s English as an additional language or dialect teacher resource EAL/D Learning Progression: Foundation to Year 10, which describes important features of second language development
Adjustments may be needed for students with disability to demonstrate their learning and be considered against the progressions.
The Australian Curriculum provides advice to support teachers in meeting their obligations under the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006) (the Standards) to ensure that all students with disability are able to participate in the Australian Curriculum on the same basis as their peers through rigorous, meaningful and dignified learning programs.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Standards are intended to give students with disability the same rights as other students, including the right to education and training on the same basis as students without disability.