St Mary’s Primary School, Moruya is a small K–6 Catholic school on the south coast of New South Wales on the Traditional Lands of the Yuin Peoples. Established in 1847, it has about 250 students enrolled, 15 per cent of whom identify as Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander. Kim Vernon is the curriculum officer who works with the school to support implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies, through the NSW Science and Technology F–6 syllabus. Teachers at the school have chosen to focus their project on authentic integration of digital technologies across the school. The videos follow the school’s journey.
The school presents its first progress report, which introduces its research question and project aims.
The school’s second progress report focuses on how the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies has been implemented approximately a year into the planned course of action. Teachers discuss their highlights and some of the challenges they have faced.
The school’s third progress report continues explaining the teachers’ journey in implementing the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Also included is the school’s project proposal, professional learning ecosystem, timeline and teacher reflection podcast.