Learning Continuum of Personal and Social Capability (Version 8.4)

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This element involves students developing the metacognitive skill of learning when and how to use particular strategies to manage themselves in a range of situations.

Students effectively regulate, manage and monitor their own emotional responses, and persist in completing tasks and overcoming obstacles. They develop organisational skills and identify the resources needed to achieve goals. Students develop the skills to work independently and to show initiative, learn to be conscientious, delay gratification and persevere in the face of setbacks and frustrations. In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:

  • express emotions appropriately
  • develop self-discipline and set goals
  • work independently and show initiative
  • become confident, resilient and adaptable.

Level 1a


Express emotions appropriately

recognise and identify how their emotions influence the way they feel and act

Develop self-discipline and set goals

make a choice to participate in a class activity

Work independently and show initiative

attempt tasks with support or prompting

Become confident resilient and adaptable

identify people and situations with which they feel a sense of familiarity or belonging

Level 1b

Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:

Express emotions appropriately

express their emotions constructively in interactions with others

Develop self-discipline and set goals

follow class routines to assist learning

Work independently and show initiative

attempt tasks independently and identify when and from whom help can be sought

Become confident resilient and adaptable

identify situations that feel safe or unsafe, approaching new situations with confidence

Level 2

Typically by the end of Year 2, students:

Express emotions appropriately

describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others

Develop self-discipline and set goals

set goals in learning and personal organisation by completing tasks within a given time

Work independently and show initiative

work independently on routine tasks and experiment with strategies to complete other tasks where appropriate

Become confident resilient and adaptable

undertake and persist with short tasks, within the limits of personal safety