This element is about expressive language and involves students composing different types of texts for a range of purposes as an integral part of learning in all curriculum areas.
These texts include spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts that explore, communicate and analyse information, ideas and issues in the learning areas. Students create formal and informal texts as part of classroom learning experiences including group and class discussions, talk that explores and investigates learning area topics, and formal and informal presentations and debates. In developing and acting with literacy, students:
- compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
- use language to interact with others
- deliver presentations.
The element of Composing texts can apply to students at any point in their schooling. The beginning of the learning sequence for this element has been extended by four extra levels (Levels 1a to 1d) to describe in particular the development of communication skills. The descriptions for Composing texts at these levels apply across the elements of Text knowledge, Grammar knowledge, Word knowledge and Visual knowledge.
The following areas of knowledge apply to both processes.
Level 6
Typically by the end of Year 10, students:
Compose spoken written visual and multimodal learning area texts
compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts
Use language to interact with others
use pair, group and class discussions and formal and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts
Deliver presentations
plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations on more complex issues and learning area topics, combining visual and multimodal elements creatively to present ideas and information and support opinions and engage and persuade an audience